Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Here we go!

I must admit that I found the idea of doing a blog daunting.  It is a responsibility that I was unsure I wanted to undertake.  However, after reflecting on our Holy Father's challenge to priests to engage in new areas of technology to proclaim the Gospel and being encouraged by so many of my brother priests who have ventured into the blogosphere, I have decided that it is time to take a leap of faith.  I am hoping that this blog will be an avenue to share thoughts and ideas about life and faith.  I am sure that the topics will be widely varied and hopefully addressed with a splash of humor and a lot of love.  As I set out on this journey with you, I find comfort in the words of St. Pio of Pietrelcina, "pray, hope, and don't worry!"


  1. Father Jason it is a good start. It is actually fun to read the blogs of other friends and priests out there while I am 3000 or so miles away from them. It can be great and fun Good luck and have fun Fr. Jason...

  2. "..in the words of St. Pio of Pietrelcina, "pray, hope, and don't worry!"...Words to live by.
